Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Quick update

I can't believe that it has been 3 weeks since we have updated our blog. Here is a quick update. The last few weeks have been busy. Zach popped 2 teeth through on July 26th. He is in a new daycare who we really like. Zach has been having some tummy issues so he has been crabby the last few days but I think we finally have everything figured out. I took Jerome school shopping the other day. I thought girls were picky about there clothes and what to buy. I can't believe that it is august 14th already. Zach is 7 months old today and there are only 21 days until school starts. I'm not counting down or anything! Now on to the pictures!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey sounds like all is good there. We need to get your email addr. Hope did really well with her pigs at the fair I would love to send you some pic's.
Jerry,Darlene and Hope @:-)