Friday, July 27, 2007

wow what a hot week, glad I don't live down south! Actually I love Minnesota I just wish I live further up "nort" away from the city and closer to the wilderness. right now in Big Lake its a good mix, nice neighbors and all.
This is Zach's last week in his current day care. Things are just not right with the lady we have now. When we picked her we were in a pickle and we didn't have a lot of choices. We did have a feeling about her but we just never know. When we interviewed her she didn't seem to interested in Zach and she mostly talked about how good it would be to have us because she wanted her business to get going. Hello, why didn't that strike a chord with us? I guess we were pretty stressed at the time. In the five minute drive back to our house she called twice to let us know that she wanted to be our daycare provider. Now don't get me wrong she is a very nice lady with a few kids of her own. She says its a Christian daycare. Zach seems happy with her and there seems to be no problems. I can't live with that though. Then two weeks ago she gave her two weeks notice, because we were asking to much of her. Like telling us what he did in the day, and trying to keep him on a schedule.
So, we have interviewed a lot of daycare providers since and we found a very good one. Our Neighbor with four year old twins goes to this daycare also. We feel really good about this one!
Tomorrow, Joanna wants me to go to the fireman's dance in Clear Lake. I told her I'm not dancing with any firemen! So it looks as though Ill be going to the dance. Later!

Friday, July 20, 2007

The last few days I have been framing a house on the side for a buddy and haven't been home untill dark. It's been hot!!! I still said I would do the siding and the tongue-n-groove pine ceiling. Not so bad but the house is in Oglivie. What a drive.
Well today I picked up Zach from daycare and I have not seen him in a few days. I got so many hugs from that little guy! In three days a tooth has almost appeared. Jerome, Joanna, and I placed a bet on when his first tooth would emerge. mine was today (almost). Joanna's was next friday , and Jerome's was two weeks from now.
I held him when we got home and he blurted out "BLA BLA" the most he would say prevously was la la (not from the teletubies neither) or a little dada(I have been coaching that one). I guess starting yesterday he would just roll and roll and keep going.
Jerome went to Grandpas up north untill sunday. He loves it up there. He should have a good time. I bet grandpa will be wore out.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Jerome really wanted to have the four wheeler picture on here(its a few years old), he loves to ride with his grandpa in Wisconsin (Jerome is going to move there when he grows up he says). He turned 13 last month, and yesterday he told me that today's teenager is different than when I was a kid. Goes to show that nothing has changed. I'm sure every kid has said that. The thing I think that's scary for me about Jerome being a teenager is him dealing with more responsibilities and freedom. It's probably harder for me than Jerome, anyways.

Here is Zach swimming on the 4th of July, and Joanna w/ Zach. he is a happy baby

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

first pictures of the fam by daddy

Zack is eating sweet potatoes. We just started him on solids about a week and a half ago. He still loves his bottle though.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

First Blog

Well this is our first blog. I hope we are doing this right. We will try to write often with updates on Jerome and Zach and what we are all up to.