Friday, July 20, 2007

The last few days I have been framing a house on the side for a buddy and haven't been home untill dark. It's been hot!!! I still said I would do the siding and the tongue-n-groove pine ceiling. Not so bad but the house is in Oglivie. What a drive.
Well today I picked up Zach from daycare and I have not seen him in a few days. I got so many hugs from that little guy! In three days a tooth has almost appeared. Jerome, Joanna, and I placed a bet on when his first tooth would emerge. mine was today (almost). Joanna's was next friday , and Jerome's was two weeks from now.
I held him when we got home and he blurted out "BLA BLA" the most he would say prevously was la la (not from the teletubies neither) or a little dada(I have been coaching that one). I guess starting yesterday he would just roll and roll and keep going.
Jerome went to Grandpas up north untill sunday. He loves it up there. He should have a good time. I bet grandpa will be wore out.

1 comment:

Kyrie said...

Hey just wanted to say it's nice that your blogging. And I enjoy reading about it all.