Sunday, September 23, 2007

Its been along time.....

Well I'm back to update the blog. It has been a busy month so far. Jerome started 7th grade. He has already been sick with strep throat and missed 1 day of school. Zach is getting big. He has now learned to clap and do so big all by himself. It was Josh and mine's 5th anniversary on Friday the 21st. We went to out to eat at the Old Spaghetti Factory and then to the Twins game of Friday. Too bad they lost. We went and got messages on Saturday which was really nice but now Josh is saying his back hurts worse today which I think is a little odd. Oh well! Today we went to the 50th Anniversary of Three River Park district which is where my dad works. Jaime, Lon, and Alice also went. Got to see my dad and Zach and Alice got to play together. Boy is he tired and crabby tonight. We are thinking about getting a bigger car so we are not all so crammed together. We had originally thought last spring that our next vehicle would be at truck, but with us having Zach now we are thinking about an ford explorer or something along those lines. So that is the plan for next weekend to go look at cars. I hate dealing with salesmen. If any one has any good car buying tips on how to get them to go down on the price let us know. Well that is all for now!

He sure is a messy eater!

Zach loves his walker!

He loves to go to the park to swing

Jerome's first day of 7th grade with his pink shirt on!
So happy to be going back to school!

Zach likes to be swaddled these days. Isn't he soooo cute!

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