Friday, October 26, 2007

Went to the pumpkin patch last weekend. We didn't stay long just enough to find our pumpkins. In all the hubbub we forgot to get Zach a pumpkin! Whoops. We went to the store later and bought one. tonight Jerome is at a school fun night until nine. Its fun to tease, me and Joanna were talking about what we were going to do for dinner since Jerome would not be home. so we listed off all his favorite foods. It was fun to see him stir.

I'm trying to get in the mindset of hunting this year. I always say I don't care if I bag a deer or not. This year I really mean it. I think the trip would be good to get away for a few days, but its hard for me to leave right now.
I love the chance to have that glimpse of what life is. Man vs. Nature. To get back to what we as humans had to do to survive. O.k. O.K. so we have guns and an r.v. but just for a few seconds wandering in the woods not quite knowing exactly where I am or where I'm going is nice. Or being along in a tree or that heart pounding when you see a deer. Then at night going back to camp to share whatever or nothing to some guys who feel like you do. Yea I want to go up north , but bagging a deer; Not important.

Oh. Zack can crawl. Just not with his arms very well he uses his face a lot. he does get around though. More teeth on the top are breaking though, pretty cool.

I will try to update the blog more regularly. I'm not much of a computer guy anymore so be patient please. Thank you.

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