Saturday, August 25, 2007

I'm back

Hello, yes its me. I'm back. I have been working a lot. not much else with me. Jerome needed glasses so we picked them up today. He is not to upset about them, I think he likes them. He looks good in them,but what do I know I'm just the dad. Wow, lets see school starts in a few weeks. I know that because the state fair started last Thursday.
Its been dreary a cloudy, rainy all last week. Not much rain around here, just light showers, mostly all down south. We haven't been going on our walks of late because of the rain. but we got back into it today. the dogs were happy.
Zack is doing great he is so good at sitting up, just the occasional wobbles and falling over. He hasn't crawled yet. I,m just happy he can sit and he likes to do it. we went and got a bath ring because he wont lay down in the tub anymore. It was to hard to hold onto a wet naked baby and wash him at the same time.
Zach is crying a lot when me or Joanna is not in the room. I suppose its a phase and Its not bad except when there is only one of us and we have to get dinner ready and clean, and Zach needs to be held. Part of being a baby. (I know everyone wants to hear me complain, but I am running out of things to say).

I would say things are pretty good, the temperature is cooling and one of my favorite times of the year is around the corner. Jerome will be in seventh grade, Zach is surprising us everyday with new things, our fifth anniversary is next month! Things go by so quick where does the time go! One thing I need to remind myself, live with no regrets. Live so that your children will look at their memories of their family and childhood fondly and happily. Be happy yourself, some things are not worth the effort of controlling in the bigger picture.
OK, more philosophy next time.

1 comment:

Kyrie said...

I think that's a great philosophy, one of the better ones I've heard lately.

You know there is thing thing called the rotate button that will let you turn your pictures so they are standing up in the manner best ment for viewing. You should try it you might like it. ;)